The International Network for Women in Cooling (INWIC) officially launched its web service, available here . The website will act as a hub for the organisation and its members with the primary purpose of providing a networking platform for women working in cooling, which broadly covers the heat pumps, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVACR).

INWIC President, Colleen Keyworth said “We are excited to announce the launch of the International Network for Women in Cooling (INWIC) website. INWIC is a global community of women who work in the cooling sector, including air conditioning, refrigeration, and heat pump industries. I personally would like to invite all women working in the cooling sector to join INWIC and become part of our global community. As a collective, we have the potential to achieve remarkable feats.”
Women who are working or studying in the refrigeration and air-conditioning sectors are encouraged to apply to INWIC through the Member level of membership. Members receive exclusive benefits, such as access to a private forum where women can engage with one another and discuss their experiences and challenges of working in the HVACR industries and the upcoming free mentoring programme.
In addition to women in the refrigeration and air-conditioning sectors, other individuals who are interested in supporting this initiative can also become members through the Affiliates level of membership.
HVACR associations, societies, and other not-for-profit entities with a role in women’s career development may apply for Partner membership. Additionally, businesses, corporations, and industry associations and coalitions may apply to become Industry Supporters.
INWIC Membership is free
Prospective members can apply for their free membership by going to the membership webpage here and then selecting Register. Once the registration form is completed, users will receive an email asking them to confirm their email address.
Members of all categories will have access to the networking platform, where they can connect with individuals and organisations via the forum and messaging service. Members will also be able to participate in INWIC related events and activities and stay up to date on the latest INWIC news by subscribing to our newsletter and reading our news section.
For more information, please contact the INWIC Secretariat at: info@inwic.org.

The International Network for Women in Cooling (INWIC) was established in 2022 to advance the engagement of women, promote career opportunities, and increase their overall participation in the refrigeration, air-conditioning, and heat pumps (RACHP) sector.

INWIC is led by the World Refrigeration Day (WRD) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) OzonAction as the joint Secretariat, in cooperation with a highly-reputed group of founding partners active in this sector – AIRAH (Australia), AREA (Europe), ASHRAE (Global), CAR (China), FAIAR (Latin America), IIR (Global), IOR (UK), ISHRAE (India), JSRAE (Japan), U-3ARC (Africa), and Women in HVAC&R (North America).