Women in Coolings: Include me in the International network for Women in Cooling
Miriam Solana Ciprés has a PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of Padua, as well as having completed study and research periods at several universities in Italy and Spain, and at the USDA in the United States. She is the author of various scientific publications and technical articles on supercritical CO2 technologies, HVAC/R energy efficiency regulations and technologies, and refrigerant regulations and trends.
Currently, she works at the HVAC/R Knowledge Centre at CAREL headquarters, with the objective of strengthening specific technical competencies inside the Group through training programs, and lobbying activities amongst the most influential associations worldwide.
Over the last six years her activities have concentrated on studying refrigerant and energy efficiency regulations, trends and technologies, with a focus on the use of natural refrigerants, disseminating information through worldwide conferences, seminars, documentation and the corporate blog.