Women in Coolings: Include me in the International network for Women in Cooling
Malama Katungula is my name.
Aged 38 born in Livingstone Zambia-“Home to the smoke that thunders”- The Mighty Victoria falls.
Why Refrigeration?
Well Refrigeration was first introduced to me by my Dad ( I call him Old EddieK) who apparently is a Librarian by profession. It was a time that I had just graduated from secondary school & was thinking of a career to Pursue. Having a bias for trade inclined professions, being a DIY Guru with regards to household maintenance & repairs- stocking up all books & buying all tools one can think of,on basic household maintenance, Dad suggested I Pursue Refrigeration & Air conditioning from a Local Technical College in Zambia.Reluctantly with almost no interest I enrolled & was accepted. At this point Refrigeration was an ‘illusion’.
How did it become Real? After spending a year in college in 2004, it was time for an 8 months Industrial break-Practicals. Fortunately I was attached to a 5 star & 3 star Hotel-Sun international Zambia Ltd. Here I came face to face with the reality of Refrigeration & what it really meant for humanity. Here I was exposed to a variety of Applications & units with regards to Refrigeration & Air conditioning. This was the birth of Refrigeration for me. I must admit I deeply appreciate the heart & personal interest that dedicated mature Technicians take to invest their knowledge & experience in young ones who are willing to learn. Today I Love Refrigeration, I have relative knowledge in Refrigeration not entirely out of my own abilities but because somebody took an interest, they patiently taught me some principles of Refrigeration that I still hold on so dearly. However, I am still blank slate that needs to be written on. The story goes on…
This World Refrigeration Day, we do well to appreciate our women in the field & learn from them, to encourage women who are at the helm of choosing careers to choose refrigeration & to take an interest in them as they join our career with the view of building them.
A Librarian planted a seed. Will you plant one?