Rivacold CI GmbH
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I am Isabell, 57 years old, mom of a daughter and a son, happily married and founder of companies. In the refrigeration field it is the RIVACOLD CI GmbH and the former CI Control Instruments DIXELL. DIXELL became some years ago an Emerson Company and we changed the name into CI Control Instruments GmbH. After A-level I studied in Rome the italian language and then international business which with a bachelor called european secretary. I began to work as a translater italian-German specialized in the controller speach. I was asked to start up the company Eliwell in Germany. I did with success. They became Dixell and we did the same with success. In the mean time we started up Rivacold and Pego products and this is what we are doing till now. Sales for german speaking countries with our companies: www.rivacold.de for Rivacold products and www.ci-gmbh.com for Pego and Dixell/Lumity – products.