As part of the 2020 celebrations for the World Refrigeration Day (WRD); the WRD Secretariat, ASHRAE, European Partnership for Energy and Environment (EPEE), the Global Food Cold Chain Council (GFCCC), the International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR) and UNEP OzonAction are jointly raising the awareness of the importance of the Cold Chain sector and its vital role for food safety and security as well as human health. The joint Campaign is entitled: “COLD CHAIN 4 LIFE”
The partners of the campaign have prepared a Celebration Kit of materials and useful references to assist National Ozone Units (NOUs), government entities, local/regional associations, and industry to celebrate the 2020 WRD. The Celebration Kit and useful references are listed at the bottom of this page.
An International Webinar under the theme of ‘Cold Chain 4 Life’ is also planned for the 26 June 2020. A detailed program will be released shortly
We encourage you all to use the opportunity of WRD to raise awareness and understanding of the significant role that the refrigeration and air-conditioning industry, and the associated science and technology play in modern life and society in a safe and responsible manner that is fully compliant with local regulations and aligned to all safety measures. We welcome creative thinking and look forward to learning about the many ways you can promote our industry, its applications and careers.
Happy World Refrigeration Day!
Celebration Kit
• Information Note
• Ideas for celebrating WRD (while respecting limitations presented by the global pandemic)
• Infographic Brochure (in six UN languages)
• Poster (in six UN languages)
• Sticker (in six UN languages)
• Web-Ads (for posting an ‘advertisement’ for 2020 WRD on Web and Social Media)
• Useful References (set of relevant technical documents) – listed below
Other Useful References
1. EPEE- Count on Cooling Flyer (EN)
2. EPEE – Count on Cooling White Paper (EN)
3. IIR- Inf. Note Role of Refrigeration in Global Economy (EN)
4. IIR- Inf. Note Role of Refrigeration in Global Economy (FR)
5. IIR- Inf. Note Role of Refrigeration in Nutition (EN)
6. IIR- Inf. Note Role of Refrigeration in Nutition (FR)
7. IIR-UNEP Cold Chain Technology Brief – Cold Storage and Refrigerated Warehouse (EN | FR | SP)
8. IIR-UNEP Cold Chain Technology Brief – Commercial, Professional and Domestic Refrigeration (EN | FR | SP)
9. IIR-UNEP Cold Chain Technology Brief – Fishing Vessel Application (EN | FR | SP)
10. IIR-UNEP Cold Chain Technology Brief – Refrigeration in Food Production and Processing (EN | FR | SP)
11. IIR-UNEP Cold Chain Technology Brief – Transport Refrigeration (EN | | FR | SP)
12. UNEP OzonAction Scoop – Refrigeration and food security (EN)
13. UNEP OzonAction Scoop – Extending the Shelf Life of Cut Flowers and Fresh Produce (EN)
14. FAO Report – The State of Food and Agriculture, Moving forward on food loss and waste reduction (EN)
15. FAO Flyer – Moving forward on food loss and waste reduction (EN)
16. FAO Policy Brief – How to reduce food loss and waste for food security and environmental sustainability (EN)