This is a list of known #wrefd21 events. Please let us know about your events so we can include on our website.
We need cooling solutions to deliver on the Sustainable Development Goals, make indoor environments comfortable, drive our economies, and keeping food and medicines safe. But cooling is energy intensive, currently accounting for 15% of global energy consumption. According to the IEA, energy demand for space cooling alone will more than triple by 2050 – consuming as much electricity as all of China and India today.
We have an opportunity in the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol, which 197 countries have signed. With the implementation of the Amendment, we can cut down and avoid up to 0.4°C of global warming this century. By simultaneously accelerating the transition to clean and energy efficient cooling, we can potentially double the climate benefits. This means we can safely increase access to cooling for those who need it most, without undermining the energy transition or efforts to curb greenhouse gas emissions and save trillions globally in avoided energy infrastructure.
Steve Gill, Why do we need a refrigeration day?
Lily Riahi, Why does the Cool sector need to work together?
Professor Toby Peters will talk about cooling needs & the impact on the sustainable development goals
C Subramaniam (ISHRAE) will talk about why more than 30,000 HVAC professionals are celebrating the Day – how it intends to do to spread the good word on refrigeration
Rajan Rawal will talk about the importance of sustainable cooling from the perspective of human health & well being
Pawanexh Kohli will talk about the importance of refrigeration for the world to achieve sustainable agriculture – why the Day ought to be welcomed by the farming community
Torben Funder-Kristensen, how to achieve sustainable cooling – safe, environmentally friendly and affordable cooling.