Winner to be announced and receive 1,000 Euro on 8th June
Female engineers have been asked to submit online videos demonstrating best practice and innovative thinking when performing cooling tasks, with the winner set to be revealed next week.
The European Women in Cooling Video Competition has seen cooling association AREA partner with World Refrigeration Day (WRD) to host this unique competition in Europe.
Each entrant has been asked to create a video demonstrating best practice in a specific technical area.
The competition ties into the aims of the ongoing WRD campaign to help build awareness and increase the appeal of working within the cooling sector globally to help address critical environmental and supply chain challenges. This year’s WRD campaign is looking specifically at the concept of ‘next generation cooling’ and the potential of new technologies and ways of thinking about providing more effective services and systems.
Competition entrants were asked to submit a video in their own national that was no more than ten minutes long and that focuses on skills, training and the effective use and management of cooling systems. Female engineers were asked to use the videos to discuss their approaches to a range of topics that can include system installation, or repair, as well as charging a system or recovering refrigerant.
The event organisers also welcomed content looking at issues such as the use of PPE or other tools.
The competition organisers requested all entrants to speak her local language to promote inclusiveness and provide a lasting resource that may be used to encourage more women into the sector. The finalists are 12 women in cooling: 3 from Spain, 2 from France, 2 from Turkey, and 1 each from Ireland, Poland, Italy, Norway, Slovakia
The video contributions of all participants, in original language and subtitled to enhance the linguistic and inclusive plurality of the sector, are available to the public on AREA’s YouTube channel, and more info are available on the AREA website
Judging is now over: winner to be announced.
The evaluation committee consisted of:
– AREA Board of Directors
– AREA’s Task Force Skills and Working Group Human Capital
– AREA representatives from INWIC, International Women in Cooling Initiative
– The World Refrigeration Day Secretariat
The winner will be announced at a special awards event on the 8th June at 6 pm in Milan during the 20th European Conference about the latest technologies in Refrigeration, Air conditioning and Heat Pumps.
AREA’s appointed judges have decided the winner, who has been awarded of:
- by AREA (through ATF) a flight, accommodation, and conference fee to attend the UNEP-IIR-AREA-CSG 20th European Conference in Milan from 8-9 June 2023
- by Steve Gill (WRD) a cheque in the value of 1,000 EURO
The full programme of the event is already available on the official website of Centro Studi Galileo
WRD Women in Cooling Video Competitions
This European Women in Cooling builds upon the success of the WRD/ U3-ARC version in memory of Dr. Charity Kpabek Award held for women in Africa for the first time in 2022, and ties in neatly to our work with INWIC.
Stephen Gill, founder of World Refrigeration Day, said
“I’m delighted to partner with AREA for this first of its kind competition in Europe. AREA are wonderful partners and have enthusiastically supported World Refrigeration Day from the very beginning. I must thank AREA’s Marco Buoni and the whole Board for agreeing to partner with us and host this competition.
The quality of the videos is very high and I’m looking forward to finding our who the winner is along with everyone else of the 8th June. Congratulations to all the finalists. I am sure many will find all the finalist’s videos inspiring
This year’s U3-ARC Women in Cooling competition is open currently. We are now actively seeking partners elsewhere in the world to hold similar competitions”