Checkout the latest news all focused on World Refrigeration Day and our jouney to create recognition for this day.
John Emm wins Hampshire Refrigeration Society World Refrigeration Award
John Emm was announced as the winner of the first Hampshire Refrigeration Society’s World Refrigeration Award. HRS launched this special achievement award to celebrate the inaugural World Refrigeration Day. The award was presented to John by none other than the...
US bodies join support for World Refrigeration Day
USA: The Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating Institute (AHRI), and the International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration (IIAR) have joined the list of industry bodies supporting World Refrigeration Day. The two US-based organisations are the latest to join the...
UNEP-OzonAction support for World Refrigeration Day
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) through its OzonAction division is the latest body to agree support for World Refrigeration Day on June 26. The support was confirmed at this week’s UNEP national ozone officers meeting in Paris. Under the theme Sound...
ASHRAE supports World Refrigeration Day
ASHRAE has joined with associations and societies around the world in pledging support for a World Refrigeration Day on June 26. The brainchild of UK refrigeration consultant Steve Gill, who sits on ASHRAE’s Refrigeration Technical Committee, the World Refrigeration...